FINS Student

We offer the first student loans in Europe centered on student needs and potential

Student loans

We offer the first student loans in Europe centered on student needs and potential

100% personalized loan

You receive the money based on your needs and your study budget.

Receive the money during studies, return it after graduation

You have a grace period throughout your studies and of up to 12 months after graduation.

Protection & help in unforeseen situations

If you are having difficulty repaying the loan, we have a dedicated team to find solutions together.

Personal investment loans

for EU students

You want to study a Bachelor’s programme or a Master’s programme in Europe, but you haven’t found the right solutions to cover your tuition fees and study costs?

We offer student loans up to 25.000 EUR for Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies in Europe (including the UK, Switzerland and Norway).

Evaluation process based on your university admission file
Affordable interest rates
between 9% - 11%
No proof
of prior income
No real estate guarantees and no co-signers needed (for EU countries)
Grace period for the whole duration of the study period and up to 12 months after graduation
No extra costs
for early repayment

Your FINS advantages

Quick and easy

Fill-in a study budget containing all your predicted expenses and income, complete the online application form, upload the necessary documents (your university application documents), participate in an informal 30-minutes interview and Voila! And if you feel you can’t do it on your own, no worries! We offer you free support and assistance during any step of your application process.

Personalized loan

Not too much, not too little, but exactly what you need! FINS offers you money based on your personalized study budget. You can create it yourself using our template or you can get free help from one of our financial counsellors.

Long Grace Period

You benefit from a grace period during the whole duration of your studies and up to 12 months after graduation. Yes! You heard that right! You don’t need to reimburse the loan until after you graduate and have some time to find a job.

Flexible Loan!
Yes, it exists!

You will get money on a monthly basis to cover any expenses you might have while studying abroad. You won’t pay useless interest fees as we calculate your interest based on what you spend from the loan, offering you the flexibility to adjust your loan, borrowing less or more as you need.

when you need it

If you are having issues reimbursing the loan, FINS has a dedicated team to help you find the best solutions together!

What can you pay
with a FINS loan?

Tuition Fees

(including deposit)

Monthly expenses
(food, transportation, personal expenses, entertainment)

Equipments and study materials for your university activity

Medical insurance

FINS Loans

Loan for
Master's Degree abroad

Up to 25.000 EUR for postgraduate programmes of up to 2 years

Loan for
Bachelor's Degree abroad

Up to 25.000 EUR for all undergraduate programmes (3 or 4 years)*programmes of up to 5 or 6 years are assessed on a case-by-case basis

Loan for
The Entrepreneurship Academy

Up to 25.000 EUR in 4 years

Loan for
European Nursing Academy

Up to 25.000 EUR in 3 years


You are an EU national with the citizenship of a European Union country.

You are prearing to apply, have applied, or are already accepted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme offered by a university in the European Union, United Kingdom, Switzerland or Norway.

You have a clean financial record, e.g. 
not blacklisted with any outstanding 
debts for previous loans by any other 
financial institution.

These terms and conditions are made possible due to the support offered by the European Union’s Loan Guarantee Mechanism based on EU Regulation nr. 1288/2013 issued by the European Parliament and by the Council launching the action named: “Erasmus+: European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport (Erasmus)” managed by the European Investment Fund.

This financing is made possible thanks to the guarantee that has been provided by the European Union under the European Fund For Strategic Investments (EFSI). The purpose of EFSI is to help support financing and implementing productive investments in the European Union and to ensure increased access to financing.

Not just student loans -
we do things from experience

FINS was built by people with rich international experience, who were in the situation of finding financing for studies abroad.

FINS founders speak from experience:

The experience of searching, studying abroad, and returning to our home country, has made us understand how important it is to build solutions to your problems, and implicitly, to those of others.


The FINS Study Loan is always personalized according to your financial needs! We help you create your own study budget and obtain exactly how much money you need.*

*limited to maximum 25.000 EUR for all study years

What budget do you need to study abroad?

See how much you can
borrow with FINS!

Ce spun studenții FINS?

FINS presupune un mecanism de creditare centrat mai degrabă pe profilul tău profesional și academic, față de alte soluții de creditare oferite de bănci. Astfel, este posibil să accesezi o sursă de finanțare a studiilor imediat după terminarea licenței. În plus, FINS iți oferă creditul pe baza unor estimări personale a cheltuielilor și în tranșe lunare, ambele fiind de folos în gestionarea mai ușoară a bugetului pe parcursul studiului. De asemenea, experiența de aplicare este una plăcută, fără birocrația și rigiditatea unei instituții financiare obișnuite. Pentru mine FINS reprezintă sursa principală de sprijin ce mi-a permis ca astăzi să studiez în străinătate.
Alex Șotropa
Master's degree European Law - General Programme @ Universiteit Maastricht
Află totul despre creditele FINS
Mobilitatea și libertatea sunt două lucruri fundamentale pentru orice experiență de studiu, atât în România, cât și în străinătate și cred că sunt exact elementele pe care le-am putut obține cu ajutorul FINS. Faptul că nu trebuie să îmi fac atât de multe griji despre costurile zilnice mi-a oferit libertatea de a mă concentra exclusiv pe programul de masterat și pe activitățile extracurriculare. Obstacolele materiale sunt cu siguranță, nu doar limitative, ci și extrem de descurajatoare, e foarte greu să-ți proiectezi o imagine despre viitor în momentul în care ești forțat să iei în calcul că multe dintre lucrurile pe care ți le imaginezi sunt mereu condiționate de un buget limitat sau de imposibilitatea de a avea un plan financiar sustenabil. Acest credit m-a responsabilizat foarte tare din punct de vedere financiar și m-a făcut să conștientizez că accesul la un sistem educațional competitiv și compatibil cu nevoile și pasiunile tale sunt argumente suficiente pentru a investi activ în viitorul tău.
Alice Chempf
Master în Human Rights and Humanitarian Action @ Paris School of Internațional Affairs

What do FINS students say?