About FINS

We offer the first student loans in Europe centered on student needs and potential.

FINS is the only financial institution in Europe providing customized loans for students from the European Union who want to study abroad, anywhere in the EU, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Norway.

Up to 25.000 EUR for Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies in Europe.

FOUNDED in 2017

FINS is a start-up owned by Alex and Laura, who were put in the situation of finding the best study programme for their aspirations, whilst also finding financing, in order to be able to study abroad, when few resources were available to the general public in this regard.

After returning to Romania, Alex took the path of entrepreneurship and founded EDUCATIVA, a group of companies with more than 14-years of experience in the field of education. Laura has extensive experience in banking, consulting and entrepreneurship and is currently president of INSEAD Alumni Association Romania.


Starting from real-life experiences, FINS provides loans for students, adapted to the specific needs of those who want to study within an international environment in Europe.

The FINS Team


Alexandru Ghiță

Co-Founder & President
Founder Grupul EDUCATIVA
President The Entrepreneurship Academy


Laura Gavrilă

Co-Founder & CEO
President INSEAD Alumni Association Romania


Georgiana Malac

Marketing & Sales Manager

Tailored Media

Teodora Toma

Digital Marketing Executive

Tailored Media

Cristina Ene_FINS

Cristina Ene

Customer Success Specialist

FINS is part of the EDUCATIVA Group – a group of companies and NGOs that, for over 14 years, have been developing projects in the educational field and have been providing young Europeans with opportunities in the field of personal and professional development.

What do FINS students say?

Ce spun studenții FINS?

FINS presupune un mecanism de creditare centrat mai degrabă pe profilul tău profesional și academic, față de alte soluții de creditare oferite de bănci. Astfel, este posibil să accesezi o sursă de finanțare a studiilor imediat după terminarea licenței. În plus, FINS iți oferă creditul pe baza unor estimări personale a cheltuielilor și în tranșe lunare, ambele fiind de folos în gestionarea mai ușoară a bugetului pe parcursul studiului. De asemenea, experiența de aplicare este una plăcută, fără birocrația și rigiditatea unei instituții financiare obișnuite. Pentru mine FINS reprezintă sursa principală de sprijin ce mi-a permis ca astăzi să studiez în străinătate.
Alex Șotropa
Master's degree European Law - General Programme @ Universiteit Maastricht
Află totul despre creditele FINS
Mobilitatea și libertatea sunt două lucruri fundamentale pentru orice experiență de studiu, atât în România, cât și în străinătate și cred că sunt exact elementele pe care le-am putut obține cu ajutorul FINS. Faptul că nu trebuie să îmi fac atât de multe griji despre costurile zilnice mi-a oferit libertatea de a mă concentra exclusiv pe programul de masterat și pe activitățile extracurriculare. Obstacolele materiale sunt cu siguranță, nu doar limitative, ci și extrem de descurajatoare, e foarte greu să-ți proiectezi o imagine despre viitor în momentul în care ești forțat să iei în calcul că multe dintre lucrurile pe care ți le imaginezi sunt mereu condiționate de un buget limitat sau de imposibilitatea de a avea un plan financiar sustenabil. Acest credit m-a responsabilizat foarte tare din punct de vedere financiar și m-a făcut să conștientizez că accesul la un sistem educațional competitiv și compatibil cu nevoile și pasiunile tale sunt argumente suficiente pentru a investi activ în viitorul tău.
Alice Chempf
Master în Human Rights and Humanitarian Action @ Paris School of Internațional Affairs

Do you want to
spread the news about FINS?

We want to reach out to all students who aim for quality education but cannot afford it, and you can help us achieve this. If you want us to talk about FINS and our aspirations, let’s get in touch!

Do you want to
work with FINS?

We permanently seek out people with the initiative to support us in our efforts to grow and provide excellent financial services.

Do you want to partner with FINS?

We are always seeking out reliable partners and are actively working with universities, educational consultants, and student NGOs, in order to help as many students as possible.

Why should you choose the FINS Loan?


Do you need help in choosing the best universities or study programmes and turn your application into a 100% success? We have the best advisers for you! Moreover, you can also apply for FINS financing as soon as you apply for your studies!


Your final loan offer will always be customized according to the budget you submit in the application and your actual needs, in order to avoid overspending, overborrowing and unnecessary interest fees.


Depending on the university and country where you choose to study, you may access loans of up to EUR 25,000 for Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies, without needing a co-signer (for EU study destinations).


We give you exactly the amount of money you need, depending on your monthly needs, in order to avoid overspending and overborrowing. Moreover, you will pay interest only for the amounts used, not for the entire borrowed amount.


FINS loans have an interest rate between 9.5% and 11.5% during studies, during the grace period, and in the first 6 months of the repayment period. 

Starting with the 7th month of the repayment period, you can benefit from a reduced interest fee of 9%.


You will benefit from a grace period to pay the loan for the entire period of studies, as well as up to 12 months after graduation.


In difficult situations, we can temporarily suspend the payment of your loan installments. We will also do our best to help you in other ways so that you can recover as soon as possible.


You can repay the loan, at any time, without any additional costs.


Support solutions for career development: improving your personal profile, developing the best job search strategy, tips for personal branding, coaching sessions.


Access to events exclusively dedicated to the community of students & graduates financed by FINS and preferential access to high-level events organized by our partners.

What budget do you need to study abroad?

See how much you can
borrow with FINS!

Fixed eligibility criteria:

You are an EU national with the citizenship of a European Union country.

You are preparing to apply, have applied, or are already accepted to a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme offered by a university in Europe.

You have a clean financial record, e.g. not blacklisted with any outstanding debts for previous loans by any other financial institution.

In evaluating the loan application, we take into account:

The ranking of the university and of the study programme you want to attend

The employability reports published by the university you want to attend

The field of studies and the connection with the economic sectors with high employability potential

The reputation of your previous studies

The academic performance achieved so far

Internships or previous work experience (if any)

International experience (if any)

Extracurricular activities and other professional certifications (if any)

These terms and conditions are made possible due to the support offered by the European Union’s Loan Guarantee Mechanism based on EU Regulation nr. 1288/2013 issued by the European Parliament and by the Council launching the action named: “Erasmus+: European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport (Erasmus)” managed by the European Investment Fund.

This financing is made possible thanks to the guarantee that has been provided by the European Union under the European Fund For Strategic Investments (EFSI). The purpose of EFSI is to help support financing and implementing productive investments in the European Union and to ensure increased access to financing.

Do you want to apply?

Do you have everything ready? Apply online!